The requests to be submitted for GCF funding may relate to adaptation and / or mitigation and must be integrated into the following six target themes:
1) Project’s funding
- Vulnerable people and communities: diversification of supply sources and management of the supply chain, relocation of manufacturing facilities and warehouses, etc.
- Health, well-being and food and water security: climate-resilient crops, efficient irrigation systems, etc.
- Infrastructure and built environment: dams, resilient road networks, etc.
- Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services: Ecosystem Conservation and Management, Ecotourism, etc.
- Production and access to energy: on the solar, wind, geothermal, etc. grid, micro-grid or off-grid
- Forestry and land use: forest conservation and management, agroforestry, agricultural irrigation, water treatment and management, etc.
2) Eligible beneficiaries
These are all eligible beneficiaries of the GCF, which includes governments, non-governmental organizations, research institutes and regional institutions
3) Eligibility criteria
- Endorsement by the focal point or the Designated National Authority
- Project risk level: category B and C (low or medium risk)
- Total amount less than or equal to USD 10 Million
- Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
- Theme fits in with the 6 target themes mentioned above.
Important: To be eligible, proposals must respond to national priorities in terms of climate change and align with the GCF country program, the National Determined Contributions (NDC) and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP).