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Projects submitted for GCF funding are judged on the basis of six criteria

Impact potential

Achievement of objectives in the sectors targeted by the Fund

Paradigm shift potential

Sustainability of results beyond a project

Sustainable development potential

Social, environmental and gender co-benefits

Needs of beneficiaries

Vulnerability and financing needs of the country

National ownership

Country commitment, alignment with national policies and capacity for implementation

Efficiency and effectiveness

Economic and financial soundness of the program or project

To interact with the GCF and ensure the various processes of project development, implementation, execution and monitoring, the following entities can be used:

Focal point (FP)

  • Designated person with a mandate to formally communicate with the Fund

National Designated Authority (NDA)

  • Designated entity with a mandate to communicate formally with the GCF
  • Countries can designate a focal point instead of a DNA. This may be a transitional arrangement for countries wishing to allow themselves time to agree on the optimal arrangement for DNA.
  • The GCF recommends the involvement of the Ministry of Finance since countries can also take out loans

Implementing Entities (iE)

  • GCF-accredited entities (international, regional, national) to manage to be financed/funded projects
  • The DNA ratifies/ chooses, by project, the implementing entity through which a country will access the GCF.

Execution Entities

  • Entities (national, regional) that carry out activities funded by the GCF
  • An accredited entity may also perform the functions of an executing entity

Finance accordeon

The requests to be submitted for GCF funding may relate to adaptation and / or mitigation and must be integrated into the following six target themes:

1) Project’s funding


  1. Vulnerable people and communities: diversification of supply sources and management of the supply chain, relocation of manufacturing facilities and warehouses, etc.
  2. Health, well-being and food and water security: climate-resilient crops, efficient irrigation systems, etc.
  3. Infrastructure and built environment: dams, resilient road networks, etc.
  4. Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services: Ecosystem Conservation and Management, Ecotourism, etc.


  1. Production and access to energy: on the solar, wind, geothermal, etc. grid, micro-grid or off-grid
  2. Forestry and land use: forest conservation and management, agroforestry, agricultural irrigation, water treatment and management, etc.

2) Eligible beneficiaries
These are all eligible beneficiaries of the GCF, which includes governments, non-governmental organizations, research institutes and regional institutions

3) Eligibility criteria

  • Endorsement by the focal point or the Designated National Authority
  • Project risk level: category B and C (low or medium risk)
  • Total amount less than or equal to USD 10 Million
  • Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
  • Theme fits in with the 6 target themes mentioned above.

 Important: To be eligible, proposals must respond to national priorities in terms of climate change and align with the GCF country program, the National Determined Contributions (NDC) and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP).