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Accreditation steps

Submission of application by the entity entered in the OASLevel I completeness check

Level I completeness check

Level II (Step 2) Review by the independent panel

Level II (Step 2) Board decision

Level III legal arrangements

  • If the documentation provided is complete and explicit and the candidate’s capabilities are in fact consistent with the statements, document review and decision making (Levels I and II) since entry into the Online Accreditation System (OAS), the process can be completed in 6 months.
  • The process may take longer in case of:
  • a parallel implementation of a capacity building activity of the Entity (according to the requested Readiness reinforcements);
  • incomplete applications;
  • applications for which the requested standards require a  competency development  ;
  • latency in the response to questions and requests for clarification that may be sent to both Level I by the Secretariat and Level II (Step 1) by the Accreditation Panel
  • Lists of controlled elements are available on the GCF website.
Financial Capability CategoryTotal cost of the project at the time of application, regardless of the part financed by the Fund, for an individual project or an activityFees for an accreditation application to undertake activities involving the basic, environmental social and gender fiduciary standardsFees for an accreditation application to undertake activities involving each of the special fiduciary standards a, bOther fees
MicroLess than or equal to USD 10 million

Sub-national and national entities of developing countries including (Small Insular Developing States) SIDS and (Least Developed Countries) LDCs: no fees

Any other entity: US $ 1,000

USD 500 each

Other fees may apply if the application is reviewed by the

Secretariat or the Accreditation Committee more than 2 times. The amount will be fixed on a case-by-case basis by the Secretariat

SmallBeyond USD 10 million and less than or equal to USD 50 million

SIDS and LDCs: no fees

Other Sub-national and National Developing Country Entities: US $ 3,000

All other entities:

US $ 5,000

USD 1,000 each 
MediumBeyond USD 50 million and less than or equal to USD 250 millionUSD 10,000USD 3,000 each 
BigBeyond USD 250 millionUSD 25,000USD 7,000 each 

a * Special fiduciary standards refer to: 1) project management; 2) grant and / or allocation mechanisms; and 3) loans and / or mixed benefits (for loans, equity investments and / or guarantees).

b * For example, an entity seeking accreditation for large projects; basic fiduciary standards, social environmental standards and gender (US $ 25,000); as well as 3 special fiduciary standards (US $ 7,000 each, ie US $ 7,000 x 3 = US $ 21,000) will have to pay a total of US $ 46,000 (US $ 25,000 + US $ 21,000) as Accreditation fees to the Fund.

Entities can apply spontaneously (there is no deadline for submitting an application) and applications are reviewed progressively. The final decision on the accreditation of an Entity is made at the Board of Directors meetings.

On the basis of the application file and the activity history of the Entity, the Accreditation Committee will issue a recommendation to the Board meeting on the potential of the Entity for Accreditation, according to:

  • The maximum size of a project / activity within a program
  • The maximum category of environmental and social risk
  • Sectors (in cases where the Entity has little experience)

Accreditation defines the manner in which an entity can access the resources of the Fund, but it is the Board of Directors that makes the decision for each project / program, according to the Fund’s investment criteria.

Source of sub-section: Country Programming Division, GCF Secretariat, February 2018